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The best Meepo counters in Dota 2

The best Meepo counters in Dota 2

Dota 2
30 Dec

Meepo is one of the most mechanically demanding heroes in Dota 2. Controlling multiple units is no easy feat, especially when they all die if one of them perishes. However, that risk comes with great strength, as Meepo is arguably one of the best at winning games solo.

Due to his independent playstyle, the hero can crush the enemy team. Despite that, there are Meepo counters in Dota 2 that can withstand the onslaught and even turn the tides against the Smurf army.

The five best Meepo counters in Dota 2

Elder Titan

Elder Titan The World Splitter Do you like hurting people as a hard support? take Elder Titan. (Credit: Valve)

If you're a support player and you see Meepo first picked, your first instinct should be to abandon the game and pray you get the booster on your team next time.

Your second instinct should be to pick Elder Titan.

The Worldsmith's arsenal includes four area-of-effect spells, and since Meepo doesn't naturally silence or stun enemies, it is perilous for the Geomancer to try to kill Elder Titan. One Echo Stomp can easily catch multiple clones and allow ET's team to show up.

Speaking of clones, every one of them adds damage and movement speed when hit by Astral Spirit. The extra damage is unlikely to do much but moving faster allows the Titan to escape dangerous situations easily.

Earth Splitter is a potent spell at all stages of the game, as it deals percentage damage, up to 50% at max level. And due to Natural Order, enemies can't do anything to reduce the damage taken. After catching Meepo with Echo Stomp and hitting him with Earth Splitter, Elder Titan can take down the army alone when buffed with Astral Spirit.

With high durability, multiple AoE spells, and fantastic damage, it's no wonder Elder Titan is among the best Meepo counters in Dota 2, winning the matchup 58% of the time.

Witch Doctor

Witch Doctor Garments of the Devilish Conjurer Despite the nerfs, Witch Doctor remains a threat in Dota 2. (Credit: Valve)

If you're a support player and you see Meepo first pick- wait, I said that joke already.

Let's say you don't like Elder Titan, or he is banned from the game, or someone else picked him. Well, time to adapt, improvise, and overcome.

Enter Witch Doctor, another support who loves playing against grouped-up enemies.

Let's begin by stating the obvious. Paralyzing Cask is a pretty shitty stun. Sure it can occasionally hit multiple heroes but in most situations against a solo target, Cask is among the worst stuns in the game.

Luckily for the Witch Doctor, Meepo is never alone. It's incredibly easy to hit multiple clones with Cask and have it bounce among them, permanently stunning the entire group.

After locking them down, Maledict and Death Ward are more than enough to bring down at least one Meepo to death.

The match-up gets easier as Witch Doctor gets more items. An Aghanim's Shard allows him to avoid death in case Meepo catches him, while Scepter makes Death Ward even more potent.

He might be a little squishy, but Zharvakko (that's WD's name, I know, wtf right?) is an incredible Meepo counter that is easy to use and extremely effective.

Sand King

Sand King Elusive Destroyer The king is dead! Long live the king! (Credit: Valve)

When it comes to Meepo Counters, Sand King might be the easiest to understand. He deals a lot of AoE damage, which makes it simple to catch and bring down at least one clone.

With Blink Dagger, it's a straightforward thing to jump onto a clone and use Burrow Strike to lock it down. Combining that with Epicenter and Sand Storm deals significant damage at all stages of the game.

While magic damage does fall off as the game goes on, Sand King's ability to control his enemies improves once he gets an Aghanim's Scepter, allowing him to stun enemies inside Sand Storm. Shiva's Guard is also a common pickup and incredible at reducing the enemy's regeneration.


Bloodstone's nerf destroyed Leshrac. Imagine having your three best items gutted. (Credit: Valve)

By now astute readers will have noticed a trend in the heroes who can counter Meepo. They all come with a stun and strong AoE damage.

And that's why Leshrac is our fourth suggestion for players to pick when they see the enemy booster.

When Leshrac buys Aghanim's Shard, he can use Split Earth like a trap, standing inside it and forcing enemies to enter the death zone to hurt him. Meepo can't buy Black King Bar for his clones, making it extremely risky to get close.

Pulse Nova and Diabolic Edict deal fantastic damage and there is no counterplay option for the Geomancer. If he sends one clone, Edict will shred him, if he sends the whole army, well then Pulse Nova will go through them like a hot knife through butter.

Of course, Meepo tends to be quite durable and has plenty of regeneration himself, that's not a problem for the Tormented Soul. Shiva's Guard nullifies Ransack, while Bloodstone keeps Leshrac topped up in extended fights.

In Dota 2 patch 7.35, Lightning Storm now reduces the enemy's attack speed, making the clones even less useful than before.

While he needs a couple of items to get online, once Leshrac has his shopping list done, he is the best Meepo counter in Dota 2, taking him down 59% of the time.

Troll Warlord

Troll Warlord is a great Sven counter Never man fight Troll Warlord. (Credit: Valve)

There aren't many carries that deal well with Meepo, as most focus on dealing high single-target damage, which Meepo can often withstand thanks to his durability and Ransack.

However, there is one guy that Meepo never wants to fight and that's Troll Warlord.

As mentioned earlier, the Geomancer has no stuns or silences, which means he can't burst enemies down without risking a counterattack. Most of the time this doesn't matter but it does against Troll.

Whirling Axes give enemies a 60% miss chance, which Meepo's clones cannot dispel, removing more than half their physical damage. The debuff lasts for a minimum of five seconds, which is plenty of time, especially when combined with Butterfly, a common pick-up for the hero.

If Troll feels threatened, he can activate Battle Trance and focus one Meepo down instead, especially when he is in melee form. This turns the tide of battle in favor of the Warlord and suddenly it's Meepo praying he survives the encounter.

An unkillable hero who thrives in drawn-out fights against melee cores, Troll Warlord is the best carry pick to have when facing Meepo.

READ MORE: Leshrac got massacred in Dota 2 patch 7.35b

Featured Image Source: Valve/Adult Entertainment

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