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The Best Offlaners to grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d

The Best Offlaners to grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d

Dota 2
6 Oct

If you're wondering which offlaners are the best to pick up and gain MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d then you've come to the right place.  The latest update brought enough changes to shake up the meta and allow new heroes to take the spotlight.

In this we will list the best tanks, uh, offlaners to pick up in Dota 2. These heroes are easy to pick up and play while also having massive impact in the game.

The three best offlaners to gain MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d

Centaur Warrunner

Centaur Warrunner has an amazing strength Aghanim's Shard upgrade. Defense and offense all in one package (Credit: Valve).

Starting our list off is a classic choice, Centaur Warrunner. This guy brings everything to the table, with an AoE stun, a strong nuke, and a global ultimate.

Centaur can do well in most laning matchups. Against heavy harass he can max Retaliate to discourage enemies from hitting him. When Centaur has a strong lane partner, he can instead focus on Hoof Stomp and Double Edge to secure kills and zone enemies out.

Even against difficult lanes, Centaur's item build includes multiple Bracers to help stay healthy. If the lane is truly unplayable, the hero jungles reasonably well.

Standard item build includes rushing either Blade Mail or Blink Dagger for early team fights. Personally we recommend Blink as landing your spells is critical and Centaur's early damage is fantastic. Good players will simply avoid hitting the massive Centaur with spikes coming out of him until everyone else is dead.

For Facets one option is certainly the superior choice. Counter-Strike can dish out nice damage but it is conditional, while Horsepower saves the hero a slot item and increases his max movement speed. Take Horsepower and thank us later.

Centaur Warrunner is one of the most reliable offlaners in Dota 2 patch 7.37d. He rarely loses the lane, has a global spell to help allies, and he is the best Crimson Guard builder in the game, one of the best items right now.


Offlaners grind MMR Dota 2 patch 7.37d No more blinking out of Pit of Malice (Credit: Valve).

Sticking to the tank meta, the next hero on our list is Underlord. This guy brings everything to the table, with an AoE stun, a strong nuke, and a global- hey, wait a minute, haven't we seen this before?

Underlord is quite similar to Centaur. Both are stable laners who can jungle efficiently if needed. Both tend to buy auras, though Underlord focuses on team fight items a bit more. They can both help allies globally with their ultimate.

To play the hero, buy Guardian Greaves, Crimson Guard, and Pipe of Insight in whatever order best fits the game. Then stand in the front line and bait enemies into focusing you down. We admit it's not very exciting but grinding MMR can be a bit of a...well, grind sometimes.

For Facets, there really is only one option. While both kinda...suck, Abyssal Horde sucks a little less and provides some extra damage for a hero who doesn't dish out much. It's nice but hardly something you will notice or count on.

Overall while he's a bit of a boring hero, Underlord is a reliable offlaner to grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d. The hero has a 53% win rate, making him a safe choice to pick up.

Night Stalker

NS is one of the strongest Dota 2 heroes right now. Oh pick me, please pick me! (Credit: Valve).

If you thought our list included only boring aura builders, well you're wrong. Our final pick for best offlaners for this patch is none other than Night Stalker.

Balanar requires a little more aggression and skill to handle the laning stage. While relatively tanky and no stranger to buying Bracers, Night Stalker needs a strong partner to make it through the laning stage with full pockets.

Once the mid-game begins, Balanar can show his teeth. Night Stalker is superb at finding lone targets and picking them off. Maxing Void and pairing it with either an early Phylactery or Echo Sabre allows the hero to deal tremendous damage to lone targets. Players will have to pick between building a Khanda or a Harpoon as their main damage item with both being viable.

Keeping with the theme of choices, both of Night Stalker's Facets are viable. Of the two, Blinding Void has a higher win rate, as an additional 200 damage at night is nothing to scoff at. Night Reign is nice as well, so it's mostly a personal preference between the two.

Night Stalker needs an aggressive player to work but when that match is made, the hero can win games without relying on his team too much. A perfect fit for players looking to grind MMR.

READ MORE: The Best Supports to Grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d

Featured Image Source: Valve

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