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The Best Supports to Grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d

The Best Supports to Grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d

Dota 2

Dota 2 patch 7.37d is here and while it didn't turn the meta upside down, it still brought significant change to the game. The strongest items and heroes were nerfed, while others received much needed love.

In this article we will list the best support heroes for you to play. These guys are easy to pick up and master while also bringing tremendous impact in the game.

The three best supports to gain MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d


Abaddon is one of the best supports for grinding mmr in Dota 2 patch 7.37d. A situational Innate, but still a great support. (Credit: Valve)

If you like playing it safe, healing allies, and being generally unkillable, then Abaddon is your guy.

Players can max out Aphotic Shield and Mist Coil to harass enemies without putting themselves in danger. Against melee duos, a point in Curse is a good idea, as it adds an extra 30 damage per hit while reducing their movement speed, adding extra hits in.

The hero's Innate ability was changed in 7.37, Withering Mist reduces enemy's regeneration if they are under 40% health. It's a fantastic innate against heroes such as Morphling and Alchemist. It's quite situational though but still an upgrade over the old one.

Abaddon's two Facets are quite different, with one focusing on improving his shield, while another improves cooldowns for all spells.

Mephitic Shroud buffs Aphotic Shield, increasing the damage absorbed from 210 to 290. The shield reflects 75% of damage received instantly, instead of when the shield breaks.

The Quickening reduces spell cooldowns by 0.2 for each creep and 4 seconds for heroes. It doesn't matter if the dying unit is an enemy or ally, and it doesn't work for items.

Despite adding an extra two seconds to Aphotic Shield's cooldown, Mephitic Shroud has the higher win rate in this patch, with a 56% success rate. The Quickening is still a solid choice, winning 55% of the time. So pick which you prefer here.

Thanks to his improved laning ability, strong dispel for allies, and nigh invulnerability in team fights Abaddon is an easy support to pick up and a great choice for grinding MMR.


Lich is a perfect early game support for grinding mmr in Dota 2 patch 7.37 The cold will bother your enemies a lot. (Credit: Valve).

Lich was one of the few supports who was buffed in Dota 2 patch 7.37d. Frost Armor now reduces physical damage by 45% at level one, making it viable as a one point ability.

Players can now max Frost Blast to harass in lane and win trades. Combines with an early level of Frost Armor, there are few supports who can deal with Lich in the laning stage.

The hero is also a monster team fighter, with most of the credit going to Chain Frost. The ultimate punishes enemies for grouping up together, a great ability for mid-game skirmishes.

Both of the hero's facets are good, so there is no wrong choice here. Lich doesn't scale particularly well into the late-game but his Shard upgrade and massive damage reduction against physical damage keep him relevant, although less so than early on.

He doesn't shine late-game, but Lich is one of the best supports for grinding MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d thanks to his lane dominance, incredible mid-game damage, and Frost Shield.


Dota 2 Warlock Few supports pack a bigger punch than Warlock. (Credit: Valve)

If you're looking for a support who does scale into the late-game, the Warlock is your man. Or demon, or summoner. What exactly is Warlock?

One thing the hero does well is work in the lane. Just spamming Fatal Bonds is difficult for enemies to deal with, unless they have some form of Dispel. The hero can also choose to max out Shadow Word to sustain carries in difficult lanes or Upheaval for mid-game team fights.

Warlock is decent in the laning stage but he truly shines in team fights. All of his abilities are AoE effects that deal impressive damage to enemies caught. Upheaval prevents foes from escaping, while Fatal Bonds whittles enemies down quick. Chaotic Offering stuns all enemies caught while the Golem bashes enemies down.

Both of the hero's facets are viable, though we recommend Champion of Gorroth. Warlock has good stat gains which results in solid regeneration and more damage on his Golem. He also typically buys a Refresher Orb, an item that provides a total of 26 regeneration a second.

You can go for Black Grimoire and it is a reasonable choice as well. However the facet suffers from being inconsistent and providing no value after being used, making it tricky to figure out when best to consume it.

Thanks to being able to cast his spells from a mile away, scaling damage, and powerful ultimate, Warlock wins 54% of his matches, a perfect supports to grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.37d.

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Featured Image Source: Valve

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