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The best Sven counters in Dota 2

The best Sven counters in Dota 2

Dota 2
5 Oct

Sven is currently one of the best carries in the Dota 2 meta. He is durable, farms fast, and cleaves his enemies with just a couple of swipes of his gigantic sword.

Despite his many strengths, Sven counters do exist. In this article, we will list the best heroes for you to pick when facing the Rogue Knights in Dota 2.

The three best Sven counters in Dota 2 patch 7.34c

Treant Protector

Treant Protector is a solid Phantom Assassin counter Add a Solar Crest and watch allies survive the damage from Sven. Well, one hit at least (Credit: Valve)

Supports in general can't withstand the damage from Sven and struggle to have an impact against him. It's not uncommon to get killed in a single hit from the Rogue Knight.

For that reason, it's better to pick durable heroes who can keep their distance in team fights.

Enter Treant Protector.

Living Armor is an incredible defensive ability that can provide up to 18 armor when maxed out and with the level 20 talent.

Since each point of armor adds roughly 6% Effective Health Point (EHP), Treant Protector can double an ally's resistance to physical damage. He can also use Living Armor on two allies simultaneously, since the spell lasts twice as long as it's cooldown.

Nature's Grasp and Leech Seed are good slows to have against Sven. Since the hero rarely buys Aghanim Scepter, his only mobility is a Blink Dagger and that won't be enough to avoid all of Treant Protector's slows.

Another reason to pick Treant Protector is Overgrowth. Similar to Berserker's Call, it is an ability that can lockdown enemies and can't be blocked in any way. Be sure to use it after Sven pops Black King Bar (BKB), or he will break out of it.

In the end, though, the main reason to pick Treant Protector is that he can almost nullify physical damage, allowing allies to survive a few extra hits from Sven and take him down instead.

Treant Protector is the best position five Sven counter. His durability, multitude of slows, and Living Armor go a long way to making Sven's life miserable.


Necrophos Apostle of Decay Short of buying a nullifier, Sven can't touch Necrophos. (Credit: Valve)

If you're looking for an offlane Sven counter, then Necrophos is your best bet.

Due to being a strength hero, the Rogue Knight tends to have a pretty big health pool. While that's an issue for most heroes to deal with, Necrophos deals percentage-based damage with Hearstopper Aura. The more health his enemies have, the more damage he does.

Necrophos is one of the few heroes in the game that is immune to physical damage. Ghost Shroud allows him to turn himself ethereal, only taking magic damage from enemies.

Ghost Shroud greatly improves the hero's self-healing abilities. Even when he is brought to the brink of death, the use of a Magic Wand, Death Pulse, and a Healing Lotus is enough to bring the hero to full health during Ghost Shroud.

Thanks to his longevity in fights, Necrophos will whittle down Sven with Hearstopper Aura, enough to secure a kill with Reaper's Scythe.

As long as enemies don't buy a Nullifier, Necrophos is one of the best Sven counters in Dota 2.

Troll Warlord

Troll Warlord is a great Sven counter Never man fight Troll Warlord. (Credit: Valve)

While Treant Protector reduces physical damage, and Necrophos avoids it, Troll Warlord withstands the pain and keeps fighting.

Sven and Troll Warlord won't meet each other until the match enters the late game, at which point Berserker's Rage will be maxed out.

With his high attack speed and two-second root, Troll is able to hold down a Sven by himself, preventing the Rogue Knight from killing the softer supports.

We haven't mentioned it before but evasion is incredibly useful against Sven. He prefers to avoid building a Monkey King Bar (MKB) if possible, preferring stat items instead.

Thanks to his 60% blind, along with a Butterfly in his inventory, Sven will often be forced to get an MKB in this match-up. The Blind not only protects Troll, it also saves Allis from a world of pain.

Just like Necrophos avoids dying by using Ghost Shroud, Troll Warlord does the same with Battle Trance. The ultimate turns the hero unkillable while providing massive amounts of life steal for nearly seven seconds, enough time to bring down any enemy.

With his multiple debuffs, great lockdown, and ability to turn into an unkillable machine, Troll Warlord is the best carry Sven counter in the game, winning the match-up 56% of the time.

READ MORE: From Support to Carry: How to Play Jakiro in Dota 2 and Win

Featured Image Source: Valve

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