The best uses of Blood Grenade in Dota 2
Blood Grenade is the latest consumable item introduced in Dota 2 patch 7.33. It comes with a Throw Grenade ability that deals damage and slows enemies in an area.
At first glance, Blood Grenade looks like a fairly simple item to use, just toss it on an enemy and take their heads as bounty. However, there are also a few other uses for the item that players should know in order to maximize the value of each Grenade.
The three best uses of Blood Grenade
Harassing enemies and securing kills
The most straightforward use of Throw Grenade is to secure kills in the early game. Each Throw Grenade deals 125 total damage while slowing enemies by 15%, giving players ample opportunity to land a couple of auto attacks to bring foes down.
Hitting multiple heroes with one Grenade deals significant damage in the early game and it's the main reason players buy a few Grenades when contesting the first Bounty Rune spawn.
A lesser-known method of using a Throw Grenade is at the end of exchanging blows with an enemy. Since Grenades cannot kill the user when thrown, it's a good way of finishing off low-health enemies after using all your HP. As OG's Tommy "Taiga" Le demonstrated in the example above.
Blood Grenade disables Blink Dagger and other mobility spells

When Throw Grenade is used, it deals 50 instant damage and an additional 15 each second for five seconds. Blink Dagger is muted for three seconds whenever the holder takes damage from another player or Roshan. This means one Grenade can prevent enemies from Blinking for up to eight seconds.
This is a great way of preventing heroes such as Earthshaker and Magnus from landing crucial game-winning ultimates, greatly reducing their effectiveness. Aside from Blink Dagger, players can also use Blood Grenades to prevent Monkey King from using Tree Dance, a neat trick to exploit at all game stages.
Removing Refraction charges from Templar Assassin

One use of Throw Grenade generates six instances of damage, once from being thrown and another five instances from damage over time. That's the same amount of damage instances a maxed-out Refraction can absorb on Templar Assassin.
This makes Blood Grenade one of the easiest ways (though not fasted) to deal with Templar Assassin's defensive capabilities. Not only does it remove Refraction, but it also disables Blink Dagger, a commonly bought item for TA, if the damage goes through.
For slow-hitting heroes such as Spirit Breaker, Blood Grenade is a great way to threaten TA. It's important to note that the damage from Grenade goes through Black King Bar, which means it still removes Refraction charges and disables Blink Dagger on magic immune enemies, as the example below demonstrates.
Blood Grenade is a useful consumable that is well worth carrying if you have an empty item slot. The item can secure kills, prevent enemy initiation, and weaken enemy cores. For 65 gold, you get a lot of bang for your buck.
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