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The Internet Claims Two Victims at DreamLeague S23

The Internet Claims Two Victims at DreamLeague S23

Dota 2
25 May
Ryan Antony Bernard

DreamLeague S23 is filled with Surprises!

DreamLeague S23 started spectacularly but has been handing us surprises since the Playoffs. The first day of the playoffs began with the release of a new Dota 2 update, patch 7.36, and Act II of Crownfall.

It left the pro teams and the rest of the Dota 2 community squandering to find the most broken heroes to win them games. But this did not stop Gaimin Gladiators or Falcons from winning their series.

Day two of the playoff started as another exciting day to see how the new patch plays out. But player disconnections and dreadfully long pauses resulted in Aurora and Heroic getting eliminated.

ISP issue puts a stop to Aurora!


Aurora Eliminated From DreamLeague S23 The SEA boys dropped. Damn you Internet! (Credit: @AuroraDota2_GG)

Day two of playoffs started with a Bo3 between Aurora and BetBoom Team in the lower bracket. With Game 1 going the way of BetBoom, Aurora needed a miracle to win Game 2, which they did.

They dominated their lanes, and with a 17-2 kill lead, they closed the game in 26 minutes. Game 3 started with Egor "Nightfall" Grigorenko taking the lead on Ursa, bursting Aurora's heroes left and right, but then they made a comeback.

Delaying the game and giving Nuengnara "23" Teeramahanon space to farm helped Aurora even out the game.

That is when all went south for them. Seventy minutes into Game 3 and just one fight away from either team winning, the game is paused, and all of Aurora's players disconnect. They stayed disconnected for almost an hour and never returned to the game due to an ISP issue, forcing them to forfeit.

Despite their loss, Aurora thanked everyone who waited, and said they will return for Riyadh Masters.

Heroic play from a Lan Cafe

Heroic Lose due to DC Bad Connection wins today, Heroic eliminated! (Credit: @heroicdota2)

Unfortunately, this was not the only incident. The next series, Heroic vs. Azure Ray, would also end up in a similar state. This time, Heroic got the short end of the stick.

Game 1 was paused 7 minutes in, followed by the Heroic squad disconnecting. Azure Ray waited almost an hour when they were given the default win and asked to disconnect.

Getting into game 2, Heroic was in control because of Cedric "Davai Lama" Deckmyn's early rotations, causing all three cores on Heroic to lead in net worth. But AR was playing for the late game, patiently waiting for Lou "Lou" Zhen's Ursa to farm. He carried AR and won with a KDA of 20-4-7 after a 1-hour game.

Heroic's mid-player, João "4nalog" Giannini, later posted on X that they played Game 2 from a cafe with 30fps.

Upcoming Matches

Upcoming DreamLeague Matches Day 3 of DreamLeague S23 Playoffs. (Credit: @ESLDota2)

Day 3 of Playoffs at DreamLeague S23 starts with both Chinese teams Xtreme Gaming and Azure Ray facing each other in an elimination series.

The winner will face BetBoom for a guaranteed Top 3 position. But before that the top two teams at DreamLeague S23, GG and Falcons will clash in the UB Finals.

Will day 3 of Playoffs be filled with intense Dota 2 or another tragic day of long pauses? Let's find out today at 12:00 PM CET on Twitch!

Featured Image: @ESLDota2

Read More at Strafe: See what Dyrachyo has to say about GG's clean DreamLeague Run.


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