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The top heroes of DreamLeague Season 20 Groupstages

The top heroes of DreamLeague Season 20 Groupstages

Dota 2
16 Jun
Harrison Htet

Pubs are different when compared to LANs matches in Dota 2. The recent DreamLeague Season 20 is proof of it. Certain heroes that do well in LANs fall off in pubs, and some pub heroes get annihilated in LANs. However, some heroes, despite the type of match, do well. For instance, Medusa was a nightmare during the release of Patch 7.33 in pubs and LANs.

The recent DreamLeague Season 20 bought forth certain heroes back into the meta. Although, one of those heroes performs well in both LANs and pubs. The others, unfortunately, only perform well in the LANS. The mentioned heroes were the most contested heroes during the group stages of DreamLeague Season 20.


The only hero that is currently doing well in both pubs and LANs. Techies was switched to the Universal attribute hero pool, making the hero more efficient during the laning stage. The hero has spell damage, stun, disarm and can scale well into the late game.

Moreover, the hero outtrades any other support during the laning stage and is perfect for making rotations to enable its cores. If played correctly, Techies can solo kill the enemy cores until midgame. Techies is picked 39 times during the DreamLeague Season 20 and is banned 71 times. In 110 matches, Techies has a 54.55% win rate. The hero has a 52.90% win rate in high-level pubs.


Batrider is a popular pick in high-level pubs. However, the hero isn’t played much after the patch update. Usually played in the midlane, Batrider dominated the lane. However, in DreamLeague, it is more commonly picked as a support and an offlane. The hero offers initiation and vision during the team fights. In combined 110 matches, Batrider has a 50.91% win rate. Although Batrider is currently one of the top picks in LANs, the hero has only a 49.96% win rate in high-level pubs.


Timbersaw is the most popular midlane pick in DreamLeague Season 20. Being changed as a Universal Hero, Timbersaw scales well into the late game. The hero provides a solid laning stage and won’t fall off easily. It is also a tanky core that is hard to deal with. In combined 99 matches, Timbersaw has a 48.48% win rate. However, in high-level pubs, the hero has only a 46.68% win rate.


Morphling is one of the most popular heroes in pubs. The hero is a favourite of many smurfs as it can cruise through low-level pubs. Despite its popularity, the hero only has a 15.48% pick rate and a 47.73% win rate in high-level pubs.


In DreamLeague, Morphling is one of the most contested safelane carries. Its sole purpose is to counter agility heroes such as Slark and Medusa. The hero also has a solid laning stage and scales well into the late game. In combined 91 matches, Morphling has a 56.67% win rate.

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