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Top Five Facets in Dota 2 Patch 7.36b

Top Five Facets in Dota 2 Patch 7.36b

Dota 2
17 Jun
Ahmed Alghanim

As we approach the one-month mark since the release of patch 7.36, the Dota 2 meta has been reshaped by the introduction of facets. These new dynamics have unlocked innovative strategies and playstyles, giving players fresh ways to approach their favorite heroes.

This article will delve into the top five heroes currently dominating the leaderboard with their exceptional win rates. This article provides you with valuable insights to boost your MMR and gameplay.

Top Facets for patch 7.36B

Best Facets of Patch 7.36b Embrace the heroes, and boost your mmr to the top. (Credit: Esldota2)

As more data rolls in, we gain a clearer understanding of how heroes perform in the current Dota 2 meta. Mastering this evolving landscape is key to staying competitive and sets skilled players apart.

To understand why some Facets excel, it's crucial to examine why their alternatives might perform less effectively. Each hero's unique attributes demand thorough theoretical understanding before practical application. This makes understanding Facets a crucial first step in this patch as they are selected before the match even starts.


Dota 2, Underlord He shows up when you least expect him. (Credit: Valve)

Underlord has become a top contender in the current patch, thanks to the Abyssal Horde facet, which has a solid 55.38% win rate.  Fiend’s Gate already provided significant global presence, but Abyssal Horde takes it further by bringing back the good old Necronomicon warriors we used to love (or hate). After activating his ultimate, an archer and a warrior are summoned every 2 seconds. Being able to spawn anywhere on the map with your army is a major threat.

In contrast, Underlord’s Demon’s Reach facet, which adds cleave to his attacks based on Atrophy Aura stacks, has been popular but less effective, with a 50.50% win rate. While the idea is compelling, boosting his farming speed and enhancing his right-click capabilities, it hasn’t proven as impactful as Abyssal Horde.


Dota 2 Warlock Late game with him? You better think twice. (Credit: Valve)

Warlock’s ultimate, Chaotic Offering, was once primarily an early-game threat, now scales effectively into the late game with the Champion of Garroth facet. This allows the Golem's burn damage to scale with Warlock’s health and mana regeneration, enabling him to solo powerful cores late into the game. Consequently, Warlock holds a 54.49% win rate with this facet, underscoring its impact.

Warlock's Black Grimoire facet offers a neutral item that gains stacks each time Warlock kills an enemy or assists in a kill. This item can be consumed for an experience boost, which scales with the number of stacks. Despite a decent win rate of 52.97%, it hasn't gained much popularity.

The main reason is extreme inconsistency, as its effectiveness relies on your team having an advantage and winning team fights, allowing you to snowball further. In contrast, the Champion of Garroth facet is much more consistent and risk-free, providing reliable performance from early to late game making it a preferred choice among players.


Lifestealer Bonds of Madness My shackles are broken, my rage burns bright! (Credit: Valve)

The introduction of Corpse Eater enhanced Lifestealer's durability. With Corpse Eater, Lifestealer gains 2 HP for every unit he kills, significantly boosting his resilience while still dealing substantial damage.

This facet scales impressively into the late game; for instance, killing 250 creeps mid-to-late game grants an additional 500 HP. For comparison, a Vitality Booster, costing 1000 gold, provides only 250 health, meaning Corpse Eater effectively gives you the equivalent of two Vitality Boosters for free. This tremendous scaling has boosted Lifestealer’s win rate to 55.15% with this facet.

Conversely, his other facet, Unfettered, is underperforming with a win rate of only 43.56%. Unfettered replaces Rage, allowing Lifestealer to dispel himself even when stunned, increasing his status and magic resistance. While this can be clutch in specific scenarios, it pales to Corpse Eater.

Dark Seer

Dark Seer Imperial Relics A mind sharper than any blade. (Credit: Valve)

Dark Seer's Heart of Battle greatly boosts his mobility with an 8% movement speed increase per nearby hero. This makes it difficult to outrun him when he’s chasing and equally hard to catch him when he’s fleeing. In team fights, with heroes clustered, Dark Seer moves almost as fast as if he had a haste rune, providing him with exceptional mobility. This facet's effectiveness is reflected in its strong 53.85% win rate.

On the other hand, Quick Wit, which converts intelligence into attack speed, is more popular but has a lower win rate of 51.61%. Many players mistakenly prioritize damage output, thinking more damage is always better. While there's some truth to this, dead heroes can't deal damage. Mobility equals survivability, allowing Dark Seer to sustain and deal more damage over time. Ultimately, the choice between these facets depends on the player's playstyle and preference, as both options are viable.


Abaddon is one of the best supports for grinding mmr in Dota 2 patch 7.36a. Every initiation comes with a price. Challenge him, and embrace the consequences. (Credit: Valve)

Abaddon's win rate has risen to 54.41% with the addition of Mephitic Shroud. Aphotic Shield was always a standout ability, granting a strong dispel and a protective shield every six seconds when fully leveled. The new facet takes this to the next level by enlarging the shield and continuously reflecting incoming damage. This change significantly enhances his early game, as opponents can no longer simply step away from the shield’s explosion. Instead, they face immediate and ongoing damage when attacking it.

Interestingly, Abaddon’s The Quickening facet is also viable, though less favored. With a respectable 53.56% win rate, this facet offers cooldown reduction on his abilities whenever a nearby unit dies. This allows for a different playstyle focused on spell spamming, showcasing Abaddon's versatility. Both options make Abaddon a solid hero in the current meta, providing players with strategic flexibility to dominate their matches.

Read More: Understanding the Intricate Mechanics of Dota 2 Heroes

Featured Image Source: Valve 

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