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Tundra Esports Eliminates Team Falcons at TI 2024

Tundra Esports Eliminates Team Falcons at TI 2024

Dota 2
15 Sep
Ahmed Alghanim

Teams are falling one by one at The International 2024, leaving only three teams in the race. Today, one of these top contenders, Team Falcons, was eliminated from the competition as Tundra Esports secured a decisive victory.

Now, Tundra Esports moves on to face Gaimin Gladiators, a team that originally sent them to the lower bracket. The rematch promises to be intense as Tundra looks for redemption.

Team Tundra Eliminates Team Falcons at TI 2024 Tundra Esports celebrates a hard-fought 2-0 victory over Team Falcons at The International 2024. (Credit: Valve)

The match between Tundra Esports and Team Falcons was a true showcase of skill, strategy, and unpredictability. As teams progress to this stage of The International, they push closer to their peak performance, revealing hidden strategies and unique drafts that highlight the ever-evolving nature of Dota. Despite the chaotic nature of the series, each game remained incredibly close.

Game 1: A Viper Surprise – Tundra’s Perfect Draft Against Falcons

Tundra Esports vs Team Falcons at TI 2024 Game-1 statistics. (Credit: Valve)

Game 1 kicked off with Topias "Topson" Taavitsainen showcasing his unpredictable style once again, as Tundra Esports picked Viper—a perfect counter to Falcons’ core lineup. Falcons, on the other hand, made a bold and unconventional choice by drafting Bristleback as a support. The game quickly tilted in Tundra’s favor when Monkey King, Falcons' mid-laner, struggled in a devastating matchup against Viper. Monkey King was forced to abandon the lane at level 3 and roam to other lanes in an attempt to recover.

Despite the rough start, Falcons managed to stabilize, putting up a strong fight in the early game. The match became a bloodbath, with both teams trading kills, reaching 30 kills by the 20-minute mark. However, the turning point came at minute 22 when Tundra executed a masterful play. With an invisibility rune on Lone Druid’s Bear, Tundra gained vital information on Falcons’ positioning. This allowed Mars to initiate a flawless team fight near Roshan, leading Tundra to claim the Aegis and take control of the game.

From that point on, Tundra grouped up and methodically began taking objectives, playing around their unstoppable Lone Druid. Falcons, unable to deal with the relentless pressure and the synergy of Tundra’s lineup, were slowly dismantled, leading to the first win of the series for Tundra Esports.

Game 2: Falcons Stumble – Tundra’s Instant Counter-Initiations Control the Game

Tundra Esports vs Team Falcons at TI 2024 Game-2 statistics. (Credit: Valve)

Game 2 began much more evenly than the first, with both teams trading blows in the early game and no team establishing a clear lead. Skirmishes went back and forth, keeping the match tightly contested. However, Team Falcons made a crucial mistake by leaving Tundra’s Alchemist completely unchecked, allowing him to snowball in farm. By minute 12, he had secured a Radiance, getting online far quicker than Falcons anticipated.

Both teams had answers to each other’s drafts, making execution the key factor. Tundra Esports centered their game plan around landing Doom on the right target—usually Falcons' Timbersaw—which they executed consistently. By the 35-minute mark, Tundra held an 8k gold lead. Though the lead wasn't overwhelming, Falcons struggled to find clean initiations, with every attempt punished by Tundra’s counter-initiations from Alchemist and Clockwork.

As the game progressed, Tundra applied pressure, taking control bit by bit, leaving Falcons unable to mount a proper comeback.

Topson: “We Outdrafted Them” – Insights on Tundra’s Victory

Team Tundra at The International 2024 Will Topson make history as a three-time TI champion? (Credit: Valve)

In the post-match interview, Topias "Topson" Taavitsainen shared his thoughts on Tundra Esports' crucial win and how they approached the series. Reflecting on the drafts and the games themselves, he said:

"I think we kinda outdrafted them, like first game we ended up playing second pick and they ruined the draft for themselves. In the second game, it was first pick for us so it was easy to draft and yeah, easy games."

When asked about the unconventional Viper pick in Game 1, a hero not typically associated with his playstyle, Topson explained the team’s reasoning:

"Sometimes we have to play some toxic heroes, especially against Falcons. They end up playing these tanky heroes and Viper was the perfect pick, so I had to play it."

Looking ahead to the upcoming rematch against Gaimin Gladiators, the team that originally knocked Tundra into the lower bracket, Topson remained confident in their strategy:

"We'll see. We have the GOAT for us to draft, we'll see what we come up with. We're confident."

Read More: Team Liquid advances to The International 2024 grand final

Featured Image Source: Valve

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