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Two sweeps: 2023 LCK Summer Week 2, Day 3 recap

Two sweeps: 2023 LCK Summer Week 2, Day 3 recap

League of Legends
20 Jun
James Domizio

Gen.G won 2-0 against Nongshim RedForce, and kt Rolster won 2-0 against DRX on June 16, the third match day of Week 2 of the 2023 League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) Summer Split at LOL Park in Seoul, South Korea.

Nongshim RedForce vs. Gen.G

Game 1: GEN wins

Gen.G won Game 1 against Nongshim RedForce by a 10-5 score in 28:10. GEN jungler Han "Peanut" Wang-ho finished 3/1/2 as Kha'Zix; mid laner Jeong "Chovy" Ji-hoon went 2/0/5 as Annie; and bot laner Kim "Peyz" Su-hwan and support Yoo "Delight" Hwan-joong were 5/1/3 on Aphelios and 0/1/8 on Yuumi. GEN found 10 towers, two inhibitors, Baron Nashor, and four drakes. NS took two towers and two Heralds, and jungler Lee "Sylvie" Seung-bok picked up a 3/0/1/ Sejuani score in the loss. LCK Player of the Game: GEN Peyz, 400 points

Game 2: GEN wins

Gen.G won their series against Nongshim RedForce with an 11-3 Game 2 win that lasted 28:35. GEN top laner Choi "Doran" Hyeon-joon went 2/0/4 as Jax; Peanut finished 3/1/6 as Vi; Chovy's 5/1/3 Azir earned him Player of the Game honors; and Peyz and Delight were 1/0/4 and 0/1/7 on the Lover's Duo, Xayah and Rakan. GEN managed to take 10 towers, two inhibs, two Barons, two drakes, and a Herald; NS only found two drakes and a Herald in their losing effort. NS bot laner Ha "vital" In-seong was 2/1/0 as Aphelios in the loss. LCK Player of the Game: GEN Chovy, 200 points

Jame's Player of the Series: GEN Chovy (7/1/8), 2nd

DRX vs. kt Rolster

Game 1: KT wins

With a 23-4 Game 1 win, kt Rolster beat DRX in 22:45. KT top laner Kim "Kiin" Gi-in finished 5/0/10 as Renekton; jungler Moon "Cuzz" Woo-chan controlled the game on his 2/0/17 Sejuani; mid laner Gwak "Bdd" Bo-seong led in kills on his 9/1/8 Taliyah; bot laner Kim "Aiming" Ha-ram found a 6/2/6 Jinx performance; and support Son "Lehends" Si-woo added a 1/1/15 Renata Glasc KDA. KT took 10 towers, one inhibitor, one Baron, three drakes, and two Heralds; DRX only managed two towers. LCK Player of the Game: KT Cuzz, 200 points

Game 2: KT wins

KT Rolster won 16-4 against DRX in 25:45 in Game 2 to win the series. KT Kiin went 5/1/6 in his second straight Renekton game; Cuzz picked Sejuani again as well and finished 2/1/14; Bdd and Aiming picked Taliyah and Jinx again and finished 4/1/8 and 4/1/5, respectively; and Lehends picked a new champ, Nautilus, and added a 1/0/8 score. KT took 10 towers, two inhibs, a Baron, and four drakes. DRX found a tower and two Heralds, and substitute jungler Lee "Juhan" Ju-han held all of his team's kills in a 4/7/0 Kindred performance. LCK Player of the Game: KT Bdd, 200 points

Jame's Player of the Series: KT Bdd (13/2/16), 1st

Featured photos courtesy of the LCK/Riot Games.

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