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Ranked Rollback goes live with VALORANT Patch 10.05

Ranked Rollback goes live with VALORANT Patch 10.05

18 Mar
Foo Zen-Wen

VALORANT Patch 10.05 is going live tonight. Albeit a smaller patch, it includes a much-needed quality of life inclusion that players have been asking for – ranked rollbacks. The much-anticipated feature is finally being delivered on in this latest patch, along with various bug fixes for agents and maps.

VALORANT Introduces Ranked Rollback Mechanic

Ranked Rollback is the newest mechanic to be introduced for VALORANT. Intended as a quality-of-life improvement for the Competitive game mode, it will seek to refund RR (rank rating) from games lost to a confirmed cheater.

Competitive Updates

  • Ranked Rollbacks
    • If you lost RR due to a match against a confirmed cheater in the last week, you will be eligible for an RR refund.
    • Here’s how it works:
      • You will get a popup notification showing the exact amount of RR being refunded.
      • To apply the refunded RR, you must complete one Competitive match.
      • Once you finish that match, the refunded RR will be reflected in your End of Game summary screen – win or lose, the refund still gets added to your total RR for that game.
        • g. losing 22 RR for Game 1 with Cheater. Game 2: if you win 16 (+16), 22 is added to it and you will gain a total of 38 RR. If you lose 16 (-16), you will instead gain 6 RR for the loss.
      • Important: Ranked Rollbacks are only valid within the current Act and there is a cap per Act. If you qualify for a refund, be sure to play a game before the Act ends to claim it.

While cheating in VALORANT is not as widespread as in other popular game titles, the Ranked Rollback system introduction marks a step in the right direction, towards the emerging industry standard of protecting the larger playerbase against the few bad seeds.

Patch 10.05 Bug Fixes

Agents were another primary focus for this patch, centred around unintended interactions related to agent abilities. Riot has taken steps to address this in the latest patch.


  • Fixed a bug where Blast Pack’s explosion was slightly smaller at the tip of the explosion since the explosion changes that went live in 10.03.


  • Fixed a bug where Clove could take damage or die for a single frame upon reviving with Not Dead Yet.


  • Fixed a bug where there was a single frame of vulnerability upon reviving a target with Resurrection.


  • Fixed a bug where Armageddon’s danger indicator did not always apply on variable elevations.


  • Fixed a bug where Double Tap’s HUD Bar could look visually incorrect for spectators or observers.


  • Fixed a bug where there was a performance hitch upon casting Convergent Paths.
  • Fixed a bug where Convergent Paths was unable to be equipped during the buy phase.

Besides agent fixes, the latest patch also addressed the bug related to social panel not updating properly with in-game status and scores.


  • Fixed an issue where in-game status and scores were not updating as frequently as they should in the social panel.

Despite being out of the current competitive map pool, both Breeze and Sunset are receiving some love with the latest patch.


  • Fixed a bug where abilities would ignore LOS (line of sight) around crates on A Site.
  • Fixed a bug where flash abilities would be blocked in certain areas on the map.


  • Fixed a bug where players could not plant the spike on the B Site crates inside of the plant zone.

Console Updates

General Updates

  • Remote Play for PS5 disabled until further notice to investigate an issue. Update in future patch notes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where it would take several seconds to reconnect to comms when going back to the custom game lobby after match.

When Will VALORANT Patch 10.05 Go Live?

VALORANT Patch 10.05 is set to go live between March 18th and 19th, depending on where you are in the world. The patch's rollout is expected to begin around 6.00 am PT for North America, LATAM, and Brazil servers.


Check out Strafe Esports for all the latest VALORANT news and our X account for the latest content and coverages. Also, stay tuned to Strafe YouTube for exclusive interviews, press conferences, and more.

Featured Image Credit: Riot Games

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