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Valorant Premier Season 2 - All You Need to Know

Valorant Premier Season 2 - All You Need to Know

25 Oct
Andre Guaraldo

As the competitive fervor of Valorant continues to captivate players around the world, Season 2 of Valorant Premier has arrived with a host of exciting changes and opportunities for those seeking to prove their skills on the battlefield. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a fresh face in the Premier scene, this comprehensive guide is your one-stop destination to navigate the intricacies of Valorant Premier Season 2.


How long is a Premier Stage?

Stages generally last as long as an Act.


Will anything transfer from one Stage to another?

Yes! Your team, match history, and Premier MMR will carry over to the next Stage. Your overall Premier performance will carry over in your Premier Crest, found on the Career page at the start of the next Stage. However, Premier Score, Division, Zone, and Enrollment will NOT carry over between Stages.



How do I become eligible for Premier?

You need to verify two conditions in order to be eligible to create or join a Premier team:

  • Verify your identity via SMS verification
  • Establish your MMR by completing ranked placements at any point in your account lifetime.

Can ANYONE play in Premier?

In addition to the mentioned eligibility criteria, anyone with a valid Valorant account (not banned) can participate in the Premier period. This rule also extends to accounts with Ranked queue restrictions during the enrollment or play period.


What is the difference between a party leader and Team Owner?

  • The Team Owner is able to invite players, customize the team logo, promote another player to owner, delete the team entirely, and is responsible for choosing a Zone and enrolling a team at the start of a Stage.
  • The Party Leader gets the team into queue when ready to play in a Premier match and is responsible for locking in choices during map pick and ban in tournaments. The Team Owner does not have to be present in order for a team to play in a Premier match.

Can I join more than one team?

No, only one team per account.


Can I cancel team invites/remove teammates?

Team Owners may cancel team invite requests and remove players from their team.


Are there restrictions on who I can be on a team with?

Players are free to create a team with a Bronze and a Diamond friend in Valorant. The system will determine the team's Division based on the MMR of the top 5 players. It's worth noting that if there is a significant skill gap among your team members, the system will give more weight to the highest-ranked player's MMR when determining the Division.


After weekly matches begin, can I still make roster changes on my team?

Once the weekly matches begin, only changes to the roster that will not affect your team's Division will be permissible.


How many people can be on a team?

A team must have at least 5 players and can have up to 7.


Which players can play in matches?

Any of the 7 players on your roster can play in any given match. The Team Owner does not need to be present for the team to queue up.


Can I leave a team at any time?

Yes! Unless your team is actively in queue, you can leave the team at any time from the Premier Hub. In order to receive a Premier Crest, you must have played two weekly matches or one playoff match with that team.


Do I forfeit participation rewards if I leave my team?

Nope! As long as you've played at least one match, you'll still be eligible for your reward.


What happens if I don't want to stay with my team when it carries over to a new Stage?

When a new Stage starts, your team roster will carry over, but you can still choose to leave at any time.



What Divisions exist?

From highest to lowest:

  • Contender;
  • Elite 1-5;
  • Advanced 1-5;
  • Intermediate 1-5;
  • Open 1-5;

How does Division seeding work?

Invite whoever you'd like to fill your roster - the system will find the best Division for your team based on the MMR of the top 5 players on your team.

How do I know what Division my team is in?

When the enrollment phase is over, your team's Division will be displayed on the Premier Hub and on your Team page.

Can my team change Divisions?

Once a Stage has started, your team cannot change Divisions.



Do I have to enroll with each Stage?

Yes! When a new Stage starts, the Team Owner will have to enroll their team for that Stage.

Can I unenroll my entire team?

If the team is enrolled, the Choose Zone button converts to an Unenroll button, and your team will be able to opt out.

How do I know which Zone to choose?

During the enrollment process, the Team Owner will select a Zone. Within the Zone, you'll be recommended the top 2 pods based on the lowest average latency of the Team Owner.


Can I change Zones?

You cannot edit your Zone once your team is enrolled, but you can unenroll and re-enroll and select a new Zone.


Where can I see my team enrollment status?

The Premier Hub and Team Tab both show your team's enrollment status.


We created our team but forgot to enroll in Premier. Can we still play?

Yes, so long as your team was created during, or before, the Enrollment Period. Teams who meet that requirement will be able to participate in Premier at any point during the Stage.


Can I add a new player to my team after the weekly matches have started?

Yes! So long as the player being invited would not cause the team to change Divisions. If a player would cause your team to change Divisions, the Team Owner will see an error message when attempting to invite: "This player is outside your team's skill range and cannot be invited.



Where can I view team standings?

From the Menu, navigate to > Premier > Standings. Standings are updated when Premier matches are completed.


How are ties in Standings broken?

Teams are listed on the Standings by Score first, with ties broken by match W/L, then rounds W/L.


Where can I view my team's match history?

The match history tab shows team-level match history where individual game participation still appears in player-level match history.


What is the Premier Score?

Each match you play earns points towards your Premier Score, which will determine if your team qualifies for the Playoff Tournament.


How do I accumulate points?

Teams earn 100 points for a weekly match win and 25 points for a loss. Tournament matches do not award points.



How many matches can I play each week?

Premier teams can play two matches on each map per week, reset on Tuesday.


Can I play both of my weekly matches in one day?

Yes! If you queue up early in the window, finish your match, and the queue window for your Zone hasn't closed yet, you can queue up again. Note: Queuing up near the end of a window may result in not being able to find a match.


How do I know what map I am playing each match?

The featured map for each weekly match is listed on the schedule in the Premier Hub to give you enough time to prepare.


Will my team and I be able to practice outside of our matches

Yes. You can get into a Practice Match on certain non-Match days during a specific one-hour practice window. These matches do not count towards the weekly limit of two matches.


What map do we play for our weekly matches?

Valorant will display the featured map for each weekly match on the Premier Hub schedule a couple of days in advance.


What happens if a player disconnects during a match?

The show must go on. If a player drops during a match, they can reconnect and continue playing. It’s a good idea to have a sub available for cases like this.


What happens if a player intentionally disconnects or cheats?

If you think a player intentionally disconnected or is cheating, reach out to Player Support. We’ll take a look.



How do tournaments work?

Upon reaching Premier Division eligibility, you will be able to play in a Tournament. The format of the Tournament is an open competition. There's no need to pre-qualify for a Tournament; just participate as much as you can. The Premier Score determines if a team qualifies for a Tournament.


How many teams qualify for the Playoff Tournament?

The top 16 teams in each Zone will qualify for the Playoff Tournament.


How do I earn a spot in a Tournament?

To earn a spot, your team will need to have played enough Premier matches to accumulate a high enough Premier Score to be in the top 16 teams in your Zone. Your team must also have played at least 10 Premier matches during the current Stage to be eligible.


How do I schedule Tournament matches?

Tournament schedules will be released after Premier enrollment ends and teams are locked in. It will be a per-team basis: both teams in a match must agree to schedule a match before we start locking in matches.


Are Tournament matches played on a different day?

Tournament matches are typically played on Saturdays in your local time zone.


Do we know what map we play for our Tournament matches?

Yes. A random map will be assigned for your match.


Can my team play in more than one Tournament?

Yes, but you can only play one match per map.



What rewards do we earn in Premier?

Participating in weekly matches and Tournaments will earn rewards. If you miss a week or don't qualify for the Playoff Tournament, you'll still be eligible for some of the rewards. If you don't play a single match in a stage, you will still receive your Finalist Jacket and a trophy spray.


Do we have to play in every weekly match to be eligible for rewards?

No, but Premier Score and other stats are used to determine reward eligibility, so make sure to play as many matches as you can!


When do I receive rewards?

Premier rewards are issued on the Wednesday following the end of a Stage.


What happens if I leave my team before I receive my rewards?

Your rewards are tied to your team, so you must be on the team when the rewards are issued to receive them.


Will we earn rewards for Playoff Tournament placement?

Yes, teams who place well in the Playoff Tournament will earn additional rewards.


Season 2 of VALORANT Premier is set to kick off on October 31, 2023, coinciding with the launch of Episode Seven, Act Three. The enrollment process for Season 2 has shorter windows, lasting one and a half days, making it easier for prospective players to find teammates and assemble their teams based on skill rankings and regional zones.

Teams earn 100 points for a win, 25 points for a loss, and no points if they do not play. Teams accumulating a minimum of 675 points will qualify for the season-ending tournament. Each team can play up to two matches per week.

Weekly Match Schedule

  • Week 1 - Nov. 2, 4 and  5;
  • Week 2 - Nov. 9, 11 and 12;
  • Week 3 - Nov. 16, 18 and 19;
  • Week 4 - Nov. 23 (Thanksgiving may impact),  25 and 27;
  • Week 5 - Nov. 30, Dec. 2 and 3
  • Week 6 - Dec. 7, 9 and 10
  • Week 7 - Dec. 14, 16

Playoff Tournament

The Playoff Tournament will employ a pick-and-ban system where teams take turns banning maps until a map is chosen. It's the grand showdown to crown the victors in each skill division.



In conclusion, Valorant Premier Season 2 promises an exhilarating journey for both newcomers and seasoned competitors alike. With its revamped enrollment process, dynamic match schedule, and the introduction of practice queue matches, the stage is set for thrilling battles and intense rivalries.

This guide has armed you with all the essential knowledge, from eligibility and verification to the nitty-gritty of weekly matches and the coveted Playoff Tournament. So, gear up, gather your team, and step onto the Premier stage to test your Valorant skills, aiming for victory in this high-stakes competition. May Valorant Premier Season 2 be an unforgettable chapter in your competitive gaming adventure.

Featured Image Credits: Valorant // Riot Games

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