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Valorant Premier Week 4: Best Agents to play on Sunset

Valorant Premier Week 4: Best Agents to play on Sunset

7 Feb
Ganesh Jadhav

Valorant Premier Episode 8 Act 1 is at the midpoint. With three weeks behind us, winning the rest of the games becomes really important.

Week 4 features Sunset, the latest addition to Valorant maps. Set in the backdrop of Boyle Heights, Los Angeles; Sunset is a simple map without gimmicks and with a heavy emphasis on mid.

Sunset can be easily divided into three areas, Mid, A and B sites. As previously mentioned, mid is a crucial part of the map’s design and becomes the centerpiece of the winning strategy.

Another big part of a winning strategy is agent composition. With Sunset being an inherently aggressive and attacker-sided map, playing defensive agents, which specialize in anchoring can work well.

Additionally, playing aggressive on defense can work wonders, so agents that help with map control are strong on the map. With multiple strategies in mind, here are some of the best agents to play on Sunset.

Best Agents to play on Sunset

Sunset: Valorant’s new take on the old formula Sunset: Valorant’s new take on the old formula (credits: Riot Games)


Omen might be the controller of choice for Sunset. With the Shrouded Step, Paranoia and Dark Cover, the agent’s flexible kit shines brightly on the map. The recharging Dark cover helps with mid-control, Paranoia with site takes and Shrouded step using the verticality of multiple spots and boxes of sunset.

The versatility of Omen’s kit can keep up with the offensive fast-paced plays and also slow methodical site take, making him a great addition to any agent composition curated for Sunset.


Cypher on Sunset is a good counter to the map’s innate aggressiveness. The Trip Wires, Cyber Cages and Spy Cam, are essential to securing and denying information on a proactive map like Sunset.

Unlike Omen, Cypher cannot switch between offense and defense, instead specializing in anchoring, controlling information and lurking and shutting down flanks. This ability becomes extremely essential on a fast-paced map.

His kit’s ability to manipulate movement and information can heavily influence the outcome of multiple rounds and eventually impact the outcome of the map.


With multiple linear spaces on the map, Breach is a great initiator to play on Sunset. Especially with the recent nerfs to Skye, Breach will be a great addition to any agent composition.

With the long mid, the Breach’s Fault Line will be crucial to secure the mid control. The Aftershock serves as a utility to clear angles and can be used as a post plant utility on the map.

The Flashpoint also helps in clearing angles and securing active map control on defense. Breach will become a strong asset on offense when paired with a dive-duelist like Raze, Jett or Neon.


After the recent buffs, Gekko has become a solid initiator to play. The recent buffs to Dizzy and Mosh Pit have made Gekko really efficient. The Wingman’s ability to plant increases Gekko’s dexterity.

The newly improved Dizzy flashes not only flash the enemies but also work as reconnaissance on sites as closed off as Sunset. The Mosh Pit doubles as an offensive and defensive tool, similar to Viper’s Snake Bite.

Gekko’s ability to secure the plant and defend it well will be crucial on a map like Sunset where the offense is central to the strategy.


Viper/Harbor both serve similar purposes in terms of map control, to section off the map and limit information.

While being distinctly different agents, choosing either decides your approach for the game. Harbor is essentially an offensive agent, while Viper serves as a site anchor.

Harbor’s Cascade can be used to actively contest mid, with the Cove and High Tide securing sites.

Viper’s Poison Cloud and Smoke Screen serve similar purposes of securing sites and can be used for anchoring. The Snake Bite can be used for clearing angles or post plant utility.

Viper/Harbor can be part of a double-controller composition, or can shine as a solo controller with appropriate support.

Other Agents

Other agents that work really well on the map are Chamber, Fade, Skye (despite the nerfs), KAY/O, Sova and Sage. The dive-in duelists such as Jett, Raze and Neon work really well on the map.

Compositional Ideas

We have accurately outlined some of the most interesting agents to play the map. The map’s offensive nature warrants a defensive two controller set-up. As for the main duelist, a dive duelist with Raze, Jett or Neon works well on the map.

The team can also play with a single controller and instead employ double initiator or double sentinel with Sage and Cypher instead.

Chamber can be a really good pick to plug in any composition as a secondary duelist to help with control on defense and Operator if you employ Raze.

Lastly, the best composition is when all the players in your team play agents they are comfortable in, so try to play your heart out without really thinking about the composition balance.

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Featured Image Credits: Riot Games

Read More: Valorant Patch Notes 8.02

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