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Valve releases The International 2023 Talent Bundles

Valve releases The International 2023 Talent Bundles

Dota 2
10 Oct

The International 2023 Talent Bundles are out and they are a great way for fans to support their favorite Dota 2 personality at The International 12 (TI12).

Dota 2 fans can purchase Talent Bundles without having to buy the compendium, and half the proceeds of the bundle go to the respective Talent.

What is in The International 2023 Talent Bundles?

TI12 Host list The hosts of The International 2023. (Credit: Valve)

There are four different levels for the TI12 Talent Bundles. The more expensive bundle you purchase, the more goodies they have.

  • Standard Bundle: Standard Sticker = $0.99
  • Glitter Bundle: Glitter Sticker + Voiceline = $4.99
  • Holo Bundle: Holo Sticker + Voiceline + Autograph Rune = $9.99
  • Gold Bundle: Gold Sticker + Voiceline + Autograph Rune + Voiceline 2 = $19.99

The more expensive the bundle, the prettier the sticker you get. Players also get an Autograph Rune to put in their favorite items at Holo and Gold.

Most bundles come with one voiceline but a few have a second voiceline for players to use in the game. The first voiceline can be acquired at $4.99, while the second costs $19.99.

For people wondering how long the voicelines last, Valve announced that they will be permanent, so you can spam your favorite line all year round.

Our favorite Voicelines from The International 2023 Talent Bundles

International 2023 Talent Bundles We went through the entire list and picked the best ones for you. (Credit: Valve)

We went through the entire list of voicelines from the Talent Bundles and made our list of our favorites for this year.

The voicelines were picked based on the delivery, how applicable the line is, and the line itself.

Based on those criteria, here are our favorite talent voicelines from the 2023 bundles.


"Wow. That was great, good job."

On paper, Clinton "Fear" Loomis' voiceline is decent, but the in-game delivery is what sells it.

The deadpan tone, and the way the line can be used both to tilt enemies and praise allies, it's overall a great voiceline.


"heh heh, me no brain, me just hit button."

Did Disruptor just Glimpse an enemy to safety? How about Winter Wyvern turning a confirmed kill into a losing fight? then drop this brilliant line by Jared "Nomad" Bajina and let people know how you really feel about your allies.


"I don't know what I did in a past life, but I certainly didn't deserve that."

Sometimes you're in a game of Dota 2 and it's pure misery from start to finish.

Your mid is breaking items, the carry just got caught for the third time in the same spot, and the less said about the team's offlaner the better.

No other voiceline captures the despair Dota 2 players occasionally feel than Natalie "NatTea" Mahoney's line. Do we even deserve something this good?


"Hahaha, this guy totally knows what he's doing."

What makes this line one of our favorites is the laugh at the start, you know the person spamming it is having a good time.

John "johnxfire" Nathan Fernandez' line can be used in any number of situations, whether it's your ally getting a Rampage or the enemy diving a tower unwisely, it's perfect for almost any situation.


"That was all about efficiency. Dying? fastest way back to the fountain."

Not every voiceline has to be about tilting the enemy or praising a play, sometimes the best lines are the ones that poke fun at the user.

If you're having a bad game and you feel the tension in the team, then Trent "Trent" MacKenzie's voiceline is the perfect way to diffuse the situation.


"I'm impressed by your unique approach"

So it's yet another game of position five Pudge rushing Dagon eh? well it wouldn't be very nice to insult someone, at least not directly.

Sometimes Dota 2 players do the dumbes- the most outlandish things possible and when they do, using Kevin "Purge" Godec's line is a nice way to let them know that you're watching.


"You might actually be the GOAT *goat sounds*"

When I saw the preview of Robson "TeaGuvnor" Merritt's line, I thought it would be yet another generic voiceline to mock enemies with.

And to be fair, you can use it that way, but it's also so much more.

Because once he's done using words, TeaGuvnor resorts to actually mimicking a goat in his voiceline.

And not just any goat, a whiny asthmatic goat of all things, the exact way I picture toxic Dota 2 players.

These are our favorite voicelines from The International 2023 Talent Bundles, let us know which ones you enjoyed in the comment section below.

READ MORE: The best entries for The International 12 short film contest

Featured Image Source: Valve

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