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Vanguard DOOMS LoL players after 14.9 patch

Vanguard DOOMS LoL players after 14.9 patch

League of Legends
2 May
Andre Guaraldo

The release of Vanguard in League of Legends alongside Patch 14.9 was met with high anticipation and mutual dread from the community. However, what should have been a moment of celebration quickly devolved into chaos as players encountered a slew of technical issues with the new anti-cheat system.

The outcry: Players speak out

As reports flooded in from players worldwide, it became evident that Vanguard's arrival brought more than just enhanced security measures. Users took to social media platforms to share their frustrations, detailing instances of PCs failing to boot and critical system crashes allegedly caused by Vanguard.

One notable figure to join the chorus of dissent was LS, a League of Legends content creator, who recounted his own ordeal of multiple computer malfunctions following Vanguard's installation. His revelation sparked a wave of similar stories, amplifying the community's outcry against the anti-cheat system.

The community struggle: Vanguard is out of control

In response to Vanguard's tumultuous arrival, Reddit threads overflowed with reports of technical woes. From black screens to system crashes, users detailed multiple issues plaguing their gaming experiences. The community banded together, sharing troubleshooting tips and voicing concerns about Vanguard's impact on gameplay and system stability. As players grapple with these challenges, solidarity and collaboration remain paramount in seeking solutions and advocating for a smoother gaming experience.

This thread will be active for a long time (credits: Reddit) This thread will be active for a long time (credits: r/leagueoflegends)

Developer silence: Riot Games' response (or lack of it)

While Riot Games, the developer behind League of Legends, has yet to issue a direct response to the mounting criticism, technical staff have been active in troubleshooting threads on Reddit. However, players are still feeling unheard, further fueling speculation and frustration.

Kernel-Level anticheat: the origin of this whole drama

Amidst the chaos surrounding Vanguard's troubled debut, questions arise regarding the implementation of kernel-level anti-cheat systems. While effective in detecting and preventing cheating, such systems operate at a privileged level of the operating system, granting deep access to system resources and processes.

However, this level of access also introduces risks, including system instability and privacy concerns. Reports of Vanguard allegedly tampering with unrelated files and causing critical system crashes highlight the potential pitfalls of kernel-level anti-cheat systems and raise doubts about their compatibility with existing software.

As the storm rages on, the future of Vanguard in League of Legends remains uncertain. While its intended purpose is to maintain the integrity of the game, the collateral damage it has inflicted on players' PCs has cast a shadow of doubt over its effectiveness and necessity.

For now, the League community finds itself caught in the midst of a turbulent sea, eagerly awaiting resolution and relief from the chaos that Vanguard's arrival has wrought. Whether Riot Games can navigate these troubled waters and restore faith in their anti-cheat measures remains a mistery. But one thing is certain: the saga of Vanguard's troubled introduction will be remembered as a cautionary tale in the annals of gaming history.

Feature image credits: League of Legends

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