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What does a 10 Million Dollar Esports Boot Camp look like?

What does a 10 Million Dollar Esports Boot Camp look like?

16 Jul

Have you ever wondered what Esports' Boot Camps look like? Pros often get together to practice for major tournaments at Boot Camps but how big are they? how many rooms? what are the facilities?

Thanks to the good folks at Gaimin Gladiators, we now know. Erik "tOfu" Engel showcased their practice house for Riyadh Masters 2024 and gave us an inside tour of how pros prepare for the year's biggest events.

Gaimin Gladiators' Boot Camp is in Manchester, England

Gaimin Gladiators Boot Camp That painting is probably worth as much as the house. (Credit: Gaimin Gladiators).

An artist in Manchester, England owns the USD $10,000,000 Boot Camp. As such there are many beautiful works of art on the wall and stylish furniture to go with it. tOfu calls it their humble home but I've seen a lot humbler.

The biggest room in the house is used as the team's playing area. Gaimin Gladiators practice pubs, scrim, and spend the majority of their time in the game room. It also comes with snacks and refreshments for the team. According to tOfu, it's all water (but is it?).

Managing an esports team along with their staff takes a lot of work and everyone pitches in. While the players are busy preparing for the next tournament, the support staff does all they can to help them stay focused.

Gaimin Gladiators Boot Camp Chef It's not just fast food every day. (Credit: Gaimin Gladiators).

That includes having a private chef to prepare meals for everyone. It's a full-time job, as the chef has to do three meals a day for more than 10 people. Once the food is ready, players will eat in the dining room.

As tOfu explains, it's important to ensure each area is used for a specific reason. The game room is for practicing, and the dining room is for eating and not have one thing spill into the other. Changing your mentality is pivotal to staying focused and the different rooms help with that.

Gaimin Gladiators' is invested in their player's health

Gaimin Gladiators football camp It's important to take care of your health! (Credit: Gaimin Gladiators).

Since the house is being rented, the owner might not provide full access to every room. tOfu explained that the wine area of the house is off-limits to his team, but he didn't mind.

The floors upstairs contain each player's room, allowing them to spend some time alone when needed. Erik didn't show his teammates rooms in the boot camp, as he didn't wish to intrude.

Another way for the team to spend time together apart from practicing and eating is by keeping fit. Gaimin Gladiators' boot camp comes equipped with an indoor gym and a large outside field for playing sports.

tOfu demonstrated his physical prowess by doing pull-ups, well two pull-ups but it's something.

The tour concluded with Erik announcing that this had been their best boot camp house so far. It was an impressive display to be sure and we're grateful to Gaimin Gladiators for showcasing their training area to the world.

READ MORE: tOfu: "It does feel satisfying when things go well."

Featured Image Source: Gaimin Gladiators

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