Dota 2 Safelane: The Psychology and Impact Of A Hard Carry
Last time, we discussed the midlane role and what the midlaners are capable of. We're going to continue that discussion with one of the most misunderstood roles in Dota 2- the safelane, also known as the hard carry. Players who play safelane are known as safelaners, and it is a critical role in the game.
They are given the foremost priority in the farming hierarchy and are the people relied on to do the most damage in the late game.
Lane Formations

The bottom Radiant and top Dire lane is called safelane. Dota 2 safelane has some perks during the early game as it is close to the tier 1 tower. At the start of the laning stage, creep waves from both teams will meet near the safelane tower. As a result, the safelane team has the upper hand in trading blows, as the tower gives bonus armor.

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During the laning stage, the hard carry is typically the weakest member of the team. To help ensure their safety, they will need to stay close to their tower. However, as the game progresses, the team will work to create space for the carry to come online so he can lead them to victory.
Patterns and Drafting
In every match, players assigned as the safelaner have to prioritize farming. Following the farming patterns will help the safelaner farm more efficiently in the matches. Moreover, knowing when and where to farm will increase their net worth and hit their item timings. As a result, heroes for this role are usually drafted last.
Mindset During the laning stage
Since farming is the most crucial task of this role, carry players must know how to last hit. In the laning stage, they must know how to adjust the lane equilibrium to their team’s favor. Doing so will help them soften the blows they received from the opposing offlaner.
Moreover, the most crucial decision safelaners often face is when they should leave the lane. As the rotations start, the safelane becomes an easy target as safelaners are often squishy during the laning stage.
Leaving their lane meant the particular safelane player forfeits the available farm on the lane as it is dangerous. Doing so will signal the game that the laning stage has ended.
Why Farming is Crucial
In the game, it is normal for carry players to prioritize taking the safest farm locations on the map. In addition, they need to choose the right items and make the most out of the farm they receive.
At a higher level rank, the timing of item purchases becomes crucial as different heroes have varying item timings. Efficient farming is crucial for playing the hard carry role effectively.
As a hard-carry player, coming online faster can turn the tides of skirmishes in their favor. It is equally important for players to understand the limitations of their chosen hero and how to play against their counters.
Why Item Timings Are Important

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Let’s take Phantom Assassin as an example. She is a highly sought-after hero in the low-level ranks. Her item timings are Battlefury, Desolator, and Black King Bar. Battlefury helps her farm more efficiently. Desolator enhances the damage dealt by her attacks and reduces the armor of her opponents. Black King Bar is crucial as it blocks all incoming spell damage, PA's biggest weakness in the game.
When PA has these three particular items before 25 minutes, she can pose a massive threat on the map. In high-level ranks, players often capitalize item timing, using Smoke Of Deceit to find a pick-off on the map before securing objectives.
Additionally, with Desolator reducing armor, Roshan becomes an extremely easy objective. Roshan gives players Aegis Of Immortality, which can play a pivotal role in skirmishes. With Aegis intact on their carry, players can snowball to victory.
The Different Types Of Carry

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There are many types of hard carries. However, all carries fall under four simple categories - the farming carries, the aggressive carries, the initiators, and the cheese.
The Farming Carries

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Farming carries are the most traditional carries players often meet at the low-level ranks. They are easy to play with a low-level skill ceiling and are straightforward. They’ve got a stun to catch and a massive burst of damage. Heroes like Wraith King and Sven are farming carries.
The Aggressive Carries

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Aggressive carries are the carries that need to have a good laning stage to have an impact in the game. If the laning stage goes well for them, they can join the skirmishes at the end of the laning stage. Their abilities often have the potential to catch the kiting opponents.

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Aggressive carries are a risky pick in low-level ranks because if they struggle to come online without a good laning stage. Heroes like Slark and Chaos Knight are these types of carries.
The Initiators

The initiators are much like the farming carriers. However, initiators are much stronger than farming carries in the late game. Their ability set consists of a slow and an instant burst of damage. Moreover, they can kite in team fights, unlike farming carries.
Should the situation call for it, the initiators can initiate team fights. However, they need to target backlines, as limiting their agility is their biggest weakness.
An example of this type of carry is Faceless Void. His ultimate ability, Chronosphere, has the potential to turn the tide of the game in his team’s favor. However, it depends on the type of the player playing the hero.
The Cheese

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Cheese carries are often the most nuisance to deal with in low-level ranks. If these heroes are not countered effectively, they easily secure the victory. Heroes like Medusa and Phantom Lancer are cheese carries.
Thoughts And Experience
Overall, safelane in Dota 2 may seem easy, but it’s not. Safelaners often bear the responsibility for their team’s victory.
It’s not the role of short-fused people. Players playing safelane in Dota 2 require an immense amount of patience. The safelane player’s mentality will often make a difference in the victory or defeat of the team.
Featured Image Source: Valve
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