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What Is the Strongest Race In StarCraft 2 Right Now?

What Is the Strongest Race In StarCraft 2 Right Now?

StarCraft II
18 Oct
Radu Muresan

StarCraft 2 is one of the best RTS games ever developed. It’s been around since 2010 and the series as a whole dates back to the late 90s.

Over a period of almost 25 years, StarCraft has been refined to the point where it’s nearly perfectly balanced. But as everyone will tell you, no game is 100% balanced. Not even chess, because white moves first and dictates much of what is happening on the board.

Obviously, Blizzard is constantly trying to find ways to improve SC2. But because it’s an esport, the game must be balanced not from a beginner’s point of view, but rather from a top-level player’s point of view. If the best competitors in South Korea say that StarCraft 2 is a balanced game in high-level tournaments, then it probably is.

Of course, there will always be complaints and some of them might even be justified. But right now, the game is 99% balanced. The only race that seems to have a slight advantage is the Zerg. But then again, it might just be that the current pro players who are dominating StarCraft 2 happen to be Zergs.

In SC2, it’s hard to differentiate between individual strength and race strength. But it’s likely that Joona “Serral” Sotala is just a formidable competitor. In the hands of other players, the Zerg doesn’t feel nearly as unbeatable.


Strengths of the Zerg Race

The Zerg is the definition of strength in numbers. This race can quickly raise an army made of many different units and then move across the map, destroying everything in its path. If your creep covers a large portion of the map, you will see all of your opponent’s offensive moves.

Another advantage of the Zerg race is that it expands faster than other races. By the time the Protoss has two bases, the Zerg already has three. This can work both in your favor or against you, based on what your opponent decides to do.

One last advantage of the Zerg race is that it can quickly rebuild its destroyed army if you have the resources to do it. For other races it takes much longer because you can’t afford to have a lot of individual buildings that create one unit at a time. But as a Zerg, all you need is a base and larva. And you can produce numerous units simultaneously.

The weakness of the Zerg race are obvious: there’s a lot more to manage and your units are considerably weaker than those of the Terran and Protoss races. When used as a compact army, you’re once again at a disadvantage because you can easily get destroyed.

The Zerg player must always multitask several armies and take care of his economy too if he wants to succeed. This means that to be a great zerg, you must think really fast and have excellent APM.

Header: Blizzard Entertainment

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