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DetonatioN FocusMe

Esports team


When was DetonatioN FocusMe founded?

DFM was founded in 2012 originally as a Counter Strike team. The League of Legends section of DFM was founded in 2013, when DetonatioN acquired the roster of FocusMe. DetonatioN FocusMe plays in the LJL, the Japanese competitive League. DFM has had incredible success in the LJL, winning nine titles, and three Worlds appearances in 2018, 2019, and 2021. They are the first Japenese team to reach the main stage of Worlds after successfully completing the Play-In stage portion in each of their three Worlds vists.

When is DetonatioN FocusMe LoL's next match?

DetonatioN FocusMe does not have any upcoming matches scheduled in the Strafe database.

What is DetonatioN FocusMe LoL's current roster?

The current lineup for DetonatioN FocusMe LoL is:

  • Lee "Aria" Ga-eul
  • Koo "Guwon" Gwan-mo
  • Lee "Harp" Ji-yoong
  • Kamon "Kakkun" Nomoto
  • Ryo "Milan" Nakamoto
  • Minato "RayFarky" Shinohara

What is DetonatioN FocusMe LoL's Strafe World Ranking?

DetonatioN FocusMe LoL has a current rank of 59 in the Stafe World Ranking.

Team info

DetonatioN FocusMe
League of Legends
Based in

Upcoming Matches

No matches

There are no matches being played today. Check the calendar for past and upcoming matches.
